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Monday, March 13, 2006

Constitution - rough draft

TK has presented an excellent constitution, which I'm putting over here along with small changes from me. We'll soon have an informal consitutional committee to go over the details and frame it.

The Constitution of TCECSF


We the students, both former and present, of the Department of Computer Science in the Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, having solemnly resolved to constitute the TCE CS Fraternity (TCECSF) as a service organisation with the objective of buildin our institution as a torch bearer of research, an upholder of a free spirit in the quest of knowledge and a source of social upliftment of the entire region and to promote among the members a sense of unity and belongingness. Our vision is to see our TCE grow as a renowned center of research and teaching in the International arena and fulfill its commitments to the society and the nation.

In our constituent assembly this ______________( date ), do hereby adopt, enact and give to ourselves this Constitution.

Part I

I) Name and constituents :
1) TCE CS Fraternity, that is TCECSF, shall be an organization meant for all the former and the present students and teachers of Thiagarajar College of Engineering.
2) The founding members are those who are specified in the first schedule.
3) The constituents of this organization shall further include all the registered members.
4) There would be three kinds of registered members - of faculty (serving and retired), of current students, of former students.

II) Registration of Members:
1) Any person who has been or is a student or teacher of TCE shall be eligible for admission into the organization.
2) All such persons shall subscribe an oath as prescribed in the second schedule and pay an annual subscription fee as specified in the aforesaid schedule. The fee shall be waived for the first year and thereafter be subject to modification as decided by a separate Treasury committee.

Part II

III ) General Assembly:
1) Constitution of General Assembly:
There shall be a General Assembly for the organization, which shall consist of two houses namely the House of Members and House of Executives.
2) Composition of House of Members:
1) The House of Members shall consist of all the registered members and founding members of the organization.
3) Composition of House of Executives:
1) The House of Executives shall consist of the President, Vice President,
Treasurer and others not more than fifteen members.
2) The members to this house shall be elected by the members of the House of Members on the basis of universal franchise and first past the post system.

4) Office of the President:

1) Term of Office:
The term of the President is one year from the date of appointment. The President may by writing to the Vice President shall resign from his office. Or the President shall, for loosing the confidence of the members, be removed from the office by the procedure laid down in the sub-clause 2 of this article.

2) Procedure for removal:

The President can be removed from his office by a recall
motion. A recall motion can be introduced only when one-fifth of the members call for it. This motion when supported by over two-third of the members, shall be deemed to have passed by the House of Members.

3) Eligibility for election:
Any person who is a member of age not less than twenty three years of age shall be eligible for the election to this office. The incumbent of this office is however not eligible.

5) Office of Vice President:

1) Term of Office :

The term of the Vice President is one year from the date of appointment. The Vice President may by writing to the President shall resign from his office. Or the Vice President shall, for loosing the confidence of the members, be removed from the office by the procedure laid down in the sub-clause 2 of this article.
2) Procedure for removal:

The Vice President can be removed from his office by a recall
motion. A recall motion can be introduced only when one-fifth of the members call for it. This motion when supported by over two-third of the members, shall be deemed to have passed by the House of Members.

3) Eligibility for election:

Any person who is a member of age not less than twenty three years of age shall be eligible for the election to this office. The incumbent of this office is however not eligible.

4) Chairman of the House of Members:

The Vice President shall act as the chairman of the House of Members.

6) Office of Treasurer :

1) Term of Office :

The term of the Treasurer is one year from the date of appointment. The Treasurer may by writing to the President shall resign from his office. Or the Treasurer shall, for loosing the confidence of the members, be removed from the office by the procedure laid down in the sub-clause 2 of this article.

2) Procedure for removal:

The Treasurer can be removed from his office by a recall
motion. A recall motion can be introduced only when one-fifth of the members call for it. This motion when supported by over two-third of the members, shall be deemed to have passed by the House of Members.

3) Eligibility for election:

Any person who is a member of age not less than twenty three years of age shall be eligible for the election to this office. The incumbent of this office is however not eligible.

4) Chief Accounting Authority:

The Treasurer shall also be the chief accountant of all the funds of the organization.

7) Other constituents of the House of Executive:

1) Executives:

The other members of the House of Executives shall be executives. Their term in the House of Executives is one year from the date of entry into the house. They can resign by writing to the President or shall be removed from the house by the procedure laid down in sub-clause 4 of this article.
2) Portfolio System:

Each executive members shall be made responsible for one or more portfolios as created by the House of Executives. These members shall introduce various proposal, resolutions and rules in the House of Members for ratification.

3) Responsibility to the House of Members:

It is the sole responsibility of the execute to make sure the prompt ratification of the proposals and implementation of the same to the satisfaction of the House of Members.

4) Removal from the house:

The executive shall be removed from the house, on the grounds of loosing the confidence of the members or of not discharging his duties in such a way as set out in sub clause 3 of this article, through a recall motion. A recall motion can be introduced only when one-fifth of the members call for it. This motion when supported by over two-third of the members, shall be deemed to have passed by the House of Members.

Part III

8) Funds of the Organisation:

1) Consolidated Fund of TCEF:

There shall be a Consolidated Fund of TCEF. All sums of money received by the organization in the form of subscription fee, donation and others shall flow to this fund.

2) Contigency Fund of TCEF :

There shall be a Contigency Fund of TCEF at the disposal of the President. The President shall make appropriation from this fund to meet unforeseen expenses. Such sum of money shall flow to this fund as ratified by the House of Members.

3) Procedure for appropriations :

1) An Annual Finance Statement or the budget shall be presented by the President immediately after his assumption of office.
2) This statement shall set forth the various expenditures to be incurred and the various sources of revenue.
3) The President shall then introduce grant proposals for each and every programme.
4) The chairman of the House of Members shall take care that members discuss the budget and fix a date for sanction.
5) The members when pass the grant proposal it shall be deemed to have ratified.

4) Appropriations from the Consolidated fund;

1) The Treasurer shall verify the ratification of the house and shall appropriate the sums from the fund.
2) It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to maintain the records and accounts of the expenditures and incomes.
3) The appropriations from the contingency fund shall be subjected to the ratification of the assembly.

Part IV

9) Amendment Procedure :

1) Modes of Amendment:

1) This constitution shall be amended through an amendment motion.
2) The amendment motion shall be either introduced by a member of House of Executives or shall be introduced by the House of Members.

2) First Mode Amendment Procedure :

1) An amendment motion shall be introduced in the House of Members by the House of Executives collectively.
2) This motion after discussion in the House of Members and then passed by over a two third majority, the amendment shall be deemed to have committed.

3) Second Mode Amendment Procedure:

1) An amendment motion shall be introduced by members through
a resolution, which when supported by two-fifth of the
2) This amendment motion when passed by both the houses by a
over two-third majority, the amendment shall be deemed to
have committed.
10) Election Commission :

1) Every year after the reconstitution of the House of Executives, a committee of members shall be elected from the House of Members to constitute the election commission.
2) No executive shall be a part of this commission.
3) The Election Commission Members are explicitly barred from contesting for any position in the House of Executives.
4) The commission shall be headed by an Election Commissioner elected by its own members. The Election Commissioner shall be only a nominal head of the commission.
5) It is the duty of this commission to make rules for election to various post, recall procedure and all other consequential issues.

Schedule I
List of Founding Members
Abdul, Ananth, Anandavally, Anbarasan, Anisha, Anithamani, Aravind, A.P. Arun, Ashok, Boopathy, Balaji, Hemavathi, Jeba, Jeevitha, T. Karthikeyan, Kayalvizhi, Lalitha devi, Muthuponmozhi, Nidya, Noorul Islam.

Schedule II
Oath of Admission: "We the alumni of Thiagarjar College of Engineering are proud of its rich history and the values of its constitution. We seek to fulfill its mission and strive hard to make it a beacon of enlightenment. With the sincerest and earnest of our efforts, we hope to build it into a world class instituion and it is our duty and pride that would keep us emotionally bonded with our alma mater"


Blogger Balaji said...

Hi Karthik, we could name it as TCE Fraternity. But, we have to prepare on answering how different it is from the existing TCE Alumni.

TCE Alumni org is more ad-hoc without much of organizational structure and dynamism. So, we have to have a separate organization to start out with, but what name should we give and avoid people comparing it with curent TCE alumni organization?

11:29 AM  

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